One of the best ways to talk about some of the equity challenges posed by the data science process is what we like to call the “bowtie”. The ends of the bowtie are almost always broader than the knot at the center, and it’s how you tie the knot that keeps the bowtie...
Everytime I see a stat like “25% of respondents are Black”, I see only one piece of a four-piece puzzle filled in. With only this piece, I don’t know how to use this information. I don’t know if it matches the category from my dataset, I...
When we want to address equity in data science, we often need to talk about power and we sometimes need to talk about money. It can be useful to think about an individual’s data like a raw resource, you could call it something cheesy like “Dataonium”. There’s a reason...
Does Paying or Compensating Survey Respondents Negatively Affect Response Quality or Reliability? At We All Count, we think a lot about how to increase the equity of the data gathering process. We make a living off of the data science ecosystem and so do many of our...
Too often in data science, we use identity categories. We once were hired by clients involved in a youth mental health situation where they needed to target scarce resources (why the resources were scarce is an entirely other conversation for a different...
BACKGROUND: We All Count asked you, our project members, for your experiences – both positive and negative – with situations where you can’t pick the data that you’re asked to work with. We heard about difficulties with poorly designed...