Identity Sorting Dials: Specificness
The Identity Sorting Dials are a really useful tool to start (again, I’ll say start) thinking about the interplay between human considerations like fit (“can I see myself in this category”) and ease (“how difficult is it for me to interact with this data process”) and...

4 Approaches to Multiple-Race Questions
The Data Equity Framework works on equity between any categorization of people in your data, not just race, so we don't publish many race-specific articles simply because it's a narrower subject than our tools address. However! In person, during workshops, and on the...

The Two Report Strategy
So many amazing, equity-centered data projects trip at the finish line. We take the carefully collected, analyzed, and interpreted data - centered around creating meaning for the people from whom we collected the data - and report it in a way that prioritizes someone...
Don’t Let the P in P Value Stand for Privilege
If we’re going to use P values as our measure of what’s a meaningful difference versus a difference due to random chance, we need to recognize that P values are highly dependent on sample size. This dependency leads to a situation where we call a problem experienced...
What Choice Do I Have?
The Data Equity Framework is a process that helps you to identify the many key choices you’ll have to make in a data project and provides tools and strategies to help improve your choice-making to better align with your equity goals. The other day someone raised a...
Rewards & Restrictions Self-Inventory
An essential step in the Data Equity Framework is creating a Motivation Touchtone. (Check out part 1, part 2 and part 3 of how to make a Motivation Touchstone.) One of the most important parts of that process is outlining, in as much detail as you can, the key...
Identity Sorting Dials: Certainty
The Identity Sorting Dials are a really useful tool to start (again, I’ll say start) thinking about the interplay between human considerations like fit (“can I see myself in this category”) and ease (“how difficult is it for me to interact with this data process”) and...
Introducing: Identity Sorting Dials
This article begins a 4 part series on what We All Count calls Identity Sorting Dials. “If I want to be inclusive on my survey, shouldn’t I use as many identity options as possible?” “If we want our results to be statistically significant, aren’t we going to need to...
Building Compassion into Your Modelling Variables
The following is an excerpt from Heather Krause's 2022 Keynote: "Who is the Data Privileged Person?".So, a statistical model in a data project is simply all of the relationships between variables setup in the way that is the modeller’s best possible description of the...
Data Relationship Health Check
This is a quick tool that you can use when examining the equity implications of your data relationship. To learn about data relationships and the interplay of price, value, ownership, and profit, check out the original article here. Data equity is about power dynamics...